Shuswap Music Festival
As you complete the registration, if it seems slow please be patient as the program is working hard and doing a lot of the work that was previously done manually by volunteers. Enter a Solo Entry or a Group Entry, you can't do both at the same time, they must be done as separate entries.   * indicates fields that are required.

Pay with a credit card. You don't need a PayPal account. Simply have your credit card ready when you get to the end of the registration and continue on to PayPal. You won't need to send us the Registration Form.

What you type on your entry is exactly what will show up in the program. Nobody will edit it, so carefully check your entry for spelling and make sure you use Uppercase and Lowercase letters appropriately.
Go to: Ensemble/Group Entry
Participant Information - Solo to Quintet Entry - Check syllabus if you are unsure which type of entry to do. Syllabus
First Name *
Last Name *
Birthdate * 
Home Phone *
Cell Phone
Email Address *
Address *
City * (Province not needed)
Postal Code *
Parent/Guardian Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Email Address *

Disciplines You Are Entering - When you check the discipline boxes, tabs will show up at the top of the screen. Click on the tabs to complete your entries.
Comments: Please list any other disciplines you are playing in here. You may also use this section to bring other info to our attention.
No special requests for scheduling will be considered.